Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 3: Returning Calls

I'm burning through the traditional ways of coming up with how to improve the experience for my clients in my practice.  I'll be interested to see where I am in 30 days.

I know it is cliched, but it is difficult for attorneys to deal with the onslaught of calls they receive every day.  Google Voice has been extremely helpful in this, since it has added text messaging to my arsenal in shooting back at all the incoming call traffic.

This is one area that can still be constantly improved.  And then there is the one client that seems to call so constantly that it seems pointless to call them back.  Whether you call them back or not, you know that in thirty minutes you will be getting another call.  This is also the client that is most likely to say that you don't return their phone calls.  I'll be happy when I figure out the solution to resolving that particular client.

I don't know if there is a way, but automating the telephone process so that everyone is called back every day would be a phenomenal achievement.  I'm not advocating having a phone system shuffle clients.  I find that in bad taste and just the opposite of improving service, but a system that quickly and easily let me know if everyone that called in and heard back from the office that day.

'Tis a conversation, devoutly to be wished for.

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